Looking back
Discuss - Review your take home actions from last time.
Looking up
Discover - How can we discover people of peace?
Pray and read Luke 10:1-12.
Discuss - What does Jesus tell his disciples to do? (Note for leaders: Go slowly here, you could try and mention these ideas; going as lambs among wolves and going in vulnerability and weakness).
What does the Bible say about people of peace? What do they do?
Receive the messenger
Receive the message
Receive the mission
Examples of people of peace in the Bible: The woman at the well (John 4), Levi (Mark 2) or Zacchaeus (Luke 19), Ethiopian (Acts 8) Lydia and jailer (Acts 16)
Have you met someone you would describe as a person of peace and what are they like?
How could you start discovering people of peace?
5 helpful points as you look for people of peace:
Pray - pray for opportunities.
Go - trust God, go where he leads you.
Find - keep eyes and ears open. Try and be friendly to people, be interested in others and be ready to share some of your story.
Share - share your story and God’s story.
Stay - get to know people, share food and your lives.
Looking forward
Do - What do you think God is prompting you to do?
Share - Is there anything from this time that you could share with someone else?
Pray - Ask God to help you follow through with what He is saying to you.