Looking back
Before you start
Before you get going with this study please note that the teaching was spread over two weeks; A Life Of Love and A Life Of Love That Forgives. You’ll get the most out of it if you can watch both the talks first.
The Study
As you were praying for the other people in your group last week, is there anything God put on your heart that you could share with them?
Looking up
Discover - Jesus has invited us into something incredible through the extravagant gift he has given us.
Read - John 15:9-17. This is an incredibly precious passage as we see right into the heart of Jesus for us.
Pick out a sentence or phrase that stood out for you.
Discuss - In v.9 Jesus says we have been invited into the love of God.
What is the love of God like? (You may want to think of other verses in the Bible that talk about the love of God)
What does it mean to remain (or abide) in Jesus’ love?
Why do you think that Jesus focuses on just one command and repeats it twice (v.12, 17)? What does this love look like and how is it different from the world’s understanding of love?
The love of Jesus includes giving and forgiving. What might it look like for us to love one another in practical ways?
Jesus showed us the ultimate friendship by dying for us on the cross. What would it look like for us to lay down our lives for each other?
What is the significance of being called a friend of God rather than a servant?
How does it make you feel to be called chosen by God?
In v.16 Jesus says we have been chosen to bear fruit.
How can we bear fruit that lasts?
Looking forward
Do - How could you put others first this week? Think of someone specific you could show that love to this week.
Share - Where do you long to see fruit in your life?
Pray - Ask God to show you his love afresh and as you are filled with that love, that it would overflow to others.