Looking back
Before you start
Before you get going with this study please note that the teaching was spread over two weeks; Living By The Spirit and Living By Faith. You’ll get the most out of it if you can watch both the talks first.
The Study
How have your “quiet times” with God been going this past week or so?
What are you thankful for and what has been a challenge?
Looking up
Discover - How can we grow our devotional lives so we can walk closer with Jesus?
Read - Mark 1:9-13
Discuss - What happened at Jesus’ baptism and why do you think that these things happened at this point?
What is baptism and why might it be an important step in following Jesus? Have you ever thought about being baptised, (if you have already been baptised, why did you do it)? What questions do you have about baptism?
In v.10 and v.11 we see God’s word and God’s Spirit working together. What are some of the ways God’s word and God’s Spirit help us in our life with God and understanding our identity?
In v.12 and v.13 we see Jesus facing temptation and spiritual attack. How does being full of God’s word and God’s Spirit help us face temptation and the attacks of the enemy?
Looking forward
Share – What ways could God’s word and God’s Spirit, and understanding your identity help you in areas where you most regularly feel tempted or under attack from the enemy?
Do – What does Luke 11:9-13 say we can do if we want to be filled with the Holy Spirit?
Pray – Pray for each other to be filled with the Holy Spirit, and take time to be still to see if there is anything the Spirit wants to be particularly saying to you or reminding you of in God’s word.