We have provision for kids of all ages at Holland Road, on Sunday and throughout the week. We want to see our kids find and grow in their faith, and equip parents to share their faith with their children.

Kids on Sundays

Kids, Parents, Family, Family Room

If you have a child under 2, you are welcome to use our Family Room where you can continue to watch the Livestream on a screen in a more relaxed setting with sofas, feeding chairs and toys for the little ones.

Under 2s

Will be in our Early Years room which has a Bible story, song, and activities suitable for this age.

Ages 2 to Reception

Children in Year 1 - Year 6 meet together in the church hall for Bible story, games, songs, snack and small group time.

Year 1 to Year 6

Fledglings Toddler Group

Fledglings is a weekly toddler group for families with children aged 0-5. Fledglings is a space for your little ones to have fun and make friends, whilst parents and carers connect with one another too.

Upcoming Events

Sunday Morning Autumn Term Schedule

  • Early years topics are monthly and this term will be:

    • September - Joseph

    • October - Moses

    • November - Joshua

    • December - Christmas

    • 15th September - Noah and new groups starting

    • 22nd September - Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego

    • 29th September - Daniel

    • 6th October - Esther

    • 13th October - Ezra

    • 20th October - Nehemiah

    • 27th October - Family Space in the hall (no kids groups) - half term

    • 3rd November - Job

    • 10th November - Deborah

    • 17th November - End of series review

    • 24th November - Mary (Christmas Story)

    • 1st December - Joseph (Christmas Story)

    • 8th December - Christmas special

    • 15th December - No morning service - Candlelight in evening

    • 22nd December - Family space in the hall (no kids groups)

    • 29th December - Family space in the hall (no kids groups)

Memory Verse for the Autumn Term

With God's power working in us, God can do much, much more than anything we can ask or think of. Ephesians 3:20 (ICB)

We’ve created a special Children’s Playlist on our YouTube channel where you can catch up with all of our previous family talks.

Kids YouTube Playlist