歡迎 Welcome to Holland Road
我們非常高興歡迎您來到 Holland Road 教會,我們位於布萊頓市中心的家庭教會, 我們的教友來自世界各地。我們的異象是栽培下一代跟隨耶穌,用愛心傳揚福音和建立教會。
我們非常高興歡迎您來到 Holland Road 教會,我們位於布萊頓市中心的家庭教會, 我們的教友來自世界各地。我們的異象是栽培下一代跟隨耶穌,用愛心傳揚福音和建立教會。
我們很想認識您,,樂意協助和支持您適應英國生活。 如果我們有任何可以幫助您的地方, 請與我們聯絡。
我們的崇拜是每星期日在上午 10:30am 在網上或在教堂,這些都是了解教會和結識新朋友的好機會。
每星期 我們有社區團體小組,在網上或聚會,可以幫助大家在信仰中成長,建立友誼,一同 體驗家庭生活和人生道路的過程。 這些團體活動是在不同的時間和地點舉行,我們很樂意歡迎您加入其中之一!
We are a family church in the heart of Brighton, made up of people from all over the world. Our vision is to raise the next generation to be FREE (Following Jesus, Reaching Out, Extended Family and Everything In Love)
We would love to get to know you and support you as you adapt to life in the UK. If there is any way we can help you, please get in touch.
Our Sunday services are at 10:30am online and in person. These are great opportunities to get a feel for the church and meet new friends.
Throughout the week we have communities that meet online and in person to help people grow in their faith, make friends and experience family and walk through life together. These groups meet across the city at different times and we would love to welcome you into one of these!
Stephanie’s Story
Stephanie, a pharmacy student, shares her experience of coming to UK from Hong Kong and how joining the church helped her get support, find family and grow in faith.