
How do I use this material?

The idea behind this material and the method is that the process is simple, the curriculum is the Bible, the teacher is the Holy Spirit, the priority is obedience and the result is multiplication.

Each session is meant to take a minimum of one hour (but not much longer than that) and is divided into three parts: Looking Back, Looking Up and Looking Out. Try and spend about one third of your time on each of these parts. This pattern is descibed as the ‘three thirds’ model.

If that’s enough information for you, you’re good to go ahead with the first session.

Want more detail?

Here are some examples of how you can make each of the thirds work for you. Not all of these examples will work for every session and some sessions have specific questions or actions already in them. You can adapt and decide what you want to use.

Looking Back

Express care: Ask what’s been good for people and what’s been hard?

Worship: Ask people what they’re thankful for. Read a Psalm os sing a worship song together.

Loving Accountability: Ask people how they got on with the things you discussed last time.

Vision: Remind people why you’re meeting.

Looking Up

Pray: Briefly pray and ask God to help you all.

Read: Read the passage and retell it in your own words.

Discuss: Try these questions: What is Jesus like in this passage? What are the different people in the passage like? Who do you relate to? Is there a command to obey, a warning to avoid or an example to follow or avoid?

Practice: Try out what you’re learning on each other, for example sharing the gospel.

Looking Forward

Do: What do you need to do as a result of this session?

Share: Who could you share this story or the gospel with?

Pray: Ask God to give you all the courage and grace to follow through with your actions. Pray for other needs in the group.


Session 1