Session 1

The aim for the first three sessions is to help us grow and be able to equip others to:

  • Share our story - which unlocks hearts.

  • Share God’s story - which transforms lives. 

Looking Back 

Discuss - Briefly tell everyone about yourself. How did you come to faith? How did you find out about this and decide to do it?

Looking Up

Discover #1 - How can we discover people who are far from God and help them to discover Jesus?

Read - John 17:20-21 - Also look at Luke 19:10 and discuss why you think Jesus tells us about why he came.

Discuss - As you read John 17:20-21, what do you think about the idea that God wants to use us to help others come to believe in him too?

Practice - Draw your relational map. Check out the link for an example.

Prayer - Identify five people you can pray for from your relational map and use the prayers below.

Ask for an open heart - “I pray for ……., Lord will you give them a heart that is open to you.”

Ask for an open heaven - “Father would you reveal yourself to …. and show them who you are.”

Ask for an open mouth - “Father give me the courage to make the most of every opportunity that you will give me to share you with them. Help me to see the opportunities and take them when they come.”

Looking Forward

Do - What do you need to do as you go from this time?

Share - Who could you share this with?





Session 2